Experts agree you usually don't need to wash chicken before you cook it.
In fact, everyone we spoke to — including a USDA rep, a germ expert, and a prominent NYC chef — discouraged the practice. Lots of people do it, but it can often be more harmful than helpful.
cheap chocolate is not labelled as such: it's usually something like 'cocoa fantasy', and yes, that tastes terrible.
#35 they all taste the same to me
#4 white asparagus is not a variety, it is asparagus that is completely covered so that no chlorophyll develops from sunlight, which is why it stays white, sheesh...
#23 no sh#t Sherlock
#24 how is loofah a food?
Jesus who pissed in you Cranapple
#23. It tastes weird because most of the chlorine added has evaporated out of it.