I took part in an exercise like this myself at my university, where the antibacterial soap actually removed fewer bacteria than any other soap tested. Even less than the normal soap of the same brand as the antibacterial one. The point is to wash off microorganisms, not to kill them, so antimicrobial activity is really not necessary. So in the best-case scenario, you probably just pay more for nothing. Worst case, you help the organisms become resistant. If you really need to make sure, and you want to kill any “leftovers” on your hands (like I needed to when I worked at the pathogen lab at the university), you should wash your hands with NORMAL soap and THEN use alcohol.
...it does so by breaking down the fatty layer around the virus cell wall and basically ripping it open, killing it. I think I read somewhere it takes just 22 seconds.
Virus literally translated means poison.