a sudden burst of useless reason! an open can of soda in the middle of the table is not subjected to the same kinetic impact as on the edge. walking by, standing up, turning away, your hand or even a shirt, jacket, hoodie will easily topple them right over and a real bonus is usually there are shoes or something on the floor beneath them for some added happiness. what's more, a half full can of soda is perfectly imbalanced, belong to the family of half full bottles everywhere, including it's mothership, the two liter....on a more dramatic note, the can is symbolic of human happiness teetering on the edge of the abyss and the more sweetness that is drained from it, reducing it's purpose and reason to exist, the more likely it is to topple over the edge in despair...on a more practical bent, maybe you own a cat and we all know what happens next...and as a matter of cosmic balance, a neat trick is to set a laptop on the other side, making it impossible for the can to decide which way it wants to spill...finally, on a connected yet unrelated aspect, people who drink warm diet coke burp like swamp frogs in mating season.
a sudden burst of useless reason! an open can of soda in the middle of the table is not subjected to the same kinetic impact as on the edge. walking by, standing up, turning away, your hand or even a shirt, jacket, hoodie will easily topple them right over and a real bonus is usually there are shoes or something on the floor beneath them for some added happiness. what's more, a half full can of soda is perfectly imbalanced, belong to the family of half full bottles everywhere, including it's mothership, the two liter....on a more dramatic note, the can is symbolic of human happiness teetering on the edge of the abyss and the more sweetness that is drained from it, reducing it's purpose and reason to exist, the more likely it is to topple over the edge in despair...on a more practical bent, maybe you own a cat and we all know what happens next...and as a matter of cosmic balance, a neat trick is to set a laptop on the other side, making it impossible for the can to decide which way it wants to spill...finally, on a connected yet unrelated aspect, people who drink warm diet coke burp like swamp frogs in mating season.
a sudden burst of useless reason! an open can of soda in the middle of the table is not subjected to the same kinetic impact as on the edge. walking by, standing up, turning away, your hand or even a shirt, jacket, hoodie will easily topple them right over and a real bonus is usually there are shoes or something on the floor beneath them for some added happiness. what's more, a half full can of soda is perfectly imbalanced, belong to the family of half full bottles everywhere, including it's mothership, the two liter....on a more dramatic note, the can is symbolic of human happiness teetering on the edge of the abyss and the more sweetness that is drained from it, reducing it's purpose and reason to exist, the more likely it is to topple over the edge in despair...on a more practical bent, maybe you own a cat and we all know what happens next...and as a matter of cosmic balance, a neat trick is to set a laptop on the other side, making it impossible for the can to decide which way it wants to spill...finally, on a connected yet unrelated aspect, people who drink warm diet coke burp like swamp frogs in mating season.
Drugs are bad, mmmmkay?
Don't mind Greg. He is a special Mr Grinch in all his comments.
#14 Maybe you should've included the double-decker Lazy Susan tray for that corner cabinet in your Barbie dream house.
Same. Not sure I could live with a slob.