Imagine the confusion of parents who were told that the blood type of their son didn’t match their own. To conceive him, the couple went to a fertility clinic. After finding out that the genetic material of their son didn’t match theirs, they feared that there was a terrible lab mix-up. Finally, the couple used 23andMe to go through genetic genealogy testing. According to it, the child’s father was actually his… uncle. Apparently, the real father must have been a twin, albeit a chimera. That means that a twin absorbed the cells from the other offspring after he died in the womb.
or to find the truth and peace. it's also fun to discover your genetics heritage and potentially genes you may have that are associated with high risk cancer and other illness (we use PGD/PGS to find embryo that will not have a disease that both parents have or known to carry in order to have healthy child)
Expect the worst.