#4 Baby with a helmet in a car seat in a swing. Looks very "safe" to me.
Baby probably has a health condition (Egg-head) and that is why its wearing the helmet. Understood. But why would you put baby in a car-seat outside of a car?? Car seat sitting position is not good for babies. It is good in an accident but that is it. That is why you have prams and baby-beds and stuff.
#4 Baby with a helmet in a car seat in a swing. Looks very "safe" to me.
Baby probably has a health condition (Egg-head) and that is why its wearing the helmet. Understood. But why would you put baby in a car-seat outside of a car?? Car seat sitting position is not good for babies. It is good in an accident but that is it. That is why you have prams and baby-beds and stuff.
Baby probably has a health condition (Egg-head) and that is why its wearing the helmet. Understood. But why would you put baby in a car-seat outside of a car?? Car seat sitting position is not good for babies. It is good in an accident but that is it. That is why you have prams and baby-beds and stuff.