possibly, if you transpose space wizard magic movies to real life, its in the preamble of star wars. " A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." i see your point though, the death star looks like Iapetus and thats probably where they got the idea for it.
possibly, if you transpose space wizard magic movies to real life, its in the preamble of star wars. " A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." i see your point though, the death star looks like Iapetus and thats probably where they got the idea for it.
possibly, if you transpose space wizard magic movies to real life, its in the preamble of star wars. " A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."
i see your point though, the death star looks like Iapetus and thats probably where they got the idea for it.
Paparazzi just take the pictures for $$. But yeah.