There is zero correlation between a company's customer satisfaction rating and the company's value. The more money they have the easier it is to run out the competition, bribe officials for special treatment, cover up mistakes they've made and manipulate people into believing lies.
That's why strong laws need to be enforced to keep those with too much power in check.
This is the main thing that libertarians refuse to acknowledge and I don't understand why. Realty is proof that free market capitalism absolutely can not regulate itself.
... ha ha ha - yet every time you elect same scumbags into the same place and continue b*tching about it. Don't like it - don't do it. Democracy in dictatorship of majority with vengeance. (c)
There is zero correlation between a company's customer satisfaction rating and the company's value. The more money they have the easier it is to run out the competition, bribe officials for special treatment, cover up mistakes they've made and manipulate people into believing lies.
That's why strong laws need to be enforced to keep those with too much power in check.
This is the main thing that libertarians refuse to acknowledge and I don't understand why. Realty is proof that free market capitalism absolutely can not regulate itself.
... ha ha ha - yet every time you elect same scumbags into the same place and continue b*tching about it. Don't like it - don't do it. Democracy in dictatorship of majority with vengeance. (c)
Uh.. If the government was smaller and regulated fewer things.. What would they need to lobby for? They'd already be able to do as they please..
You know, the whole reason behind regulations in the first place?
The market would regulate. If a place pollutes, don’t shop there. If a restaurant poisons people you don’t eat there. Pretty simple concept.
There is zero correlation between a company's customer satisfaction rating and the company's value. The more money they have the easier it is to run out the competition, bribe officials for special treatment, cover up mistakes they've made and manipulate people into believing lies.
That's why strong laws need to be enforced to keep those with too much power in check.
This is the main thing that libertarians refuse to acknowledge and I don't understand why. Realty is proof that free market capitalism absolutely can not regulate itself.
Democracy in dictatorship of majority with vengeance. (c)
Omit my hearts... izismile , it would be nice if we could edit or delete our text when we make mistakes...