Serene 4 year s ago
So, its a pretty f@#ked up country. Hate it when states steps on women.
Isaac 4 year s ago

it is its own country so stfu about "womens rights" sh#t when you havent been there. lived there for ten years and you made a stupid judgement based off of a poorly put together picdump on a country on which it was heavily focused on the muslim aspect of life. there are thai, malaysian, japanese, korean and many other nationalities that live there... you are a f@#ked up person for basing others lives on your standards. Again, stfu.
Basil 3 year s ago
Serene, "A name for a newborn child is chosen by a rooster." Glorified third-world $#!thole. 35
Eppa 4 year s ago
Having traveled extensively through Malaysia- I see this post is written by someone who hasn’t been there
Marilyn 4 year s ago
Malaysian here, most of the facts are more diversed of culture some of it are based on written from old tradition, mind you old tradition is different with Religion, so learn history first before you type what comes into your mind.certain words maybe used incorectly because it is not my native language, visit Malaysia first and decide which part of you think is right or wrong.
Roger 4 year s ago
It's my favourite country as all the people are so friendly and helpful. Many times I would go to pay the bill in a restaurant and find that a family has already paid it and left without saying a word to me. The people make a country and the Malays should be proud of their wonderful country.

PS. Marilyn is correct, all countries have 'strange' traditions to outsiders.
Vincent 4 year s ago
No3 is a ring road not a roundabout
Alfred 4 year s ago
17 I’ve been to these caves, they smell like nothing else. And floors are black with guano which appears to move = crabs and other animals live in it. It’s fascinating and gross all at once!
You can be fined for singing along to Despacito.

The point is that the song has lyrics that are thought to be too defiant, which contain very clear hints of the relationship between the sexes, and this is unacceptable in a Muslim country.

This censorship also extends to songs by Madonna, Lady Gaga, and many other singers. Movies and cartoons containing scenes of violence and adult content are also prohibited.


Exotic Facts About Malaysia
