Flo 4 year s ago
If they want you to work for fixed vage - means they expect to work you all the extra for free - weekends and over hours
Peggy 4 year s ago
#5 It goes the other way as well. They are going to pay you more than the people already working there and have no intention of giving the current staff a raise.

"I once turned down a job offer because they mentioned that the previous person in the position had quit after a few months, and most of the people I interviewed with seemed stressed out."



"I was once part of a group onboarding for an IT job. They handed us all the one-page new hire "contract" and everyone except me signed immediately. When I read the paperwork, I discovered we were signing a mystery document. Clauses included "I agree to abide by the personal search and seizure security policy (attached)." Without other pages, there was no way to determine what I was agreeing to. I kept requesting more and more pages until the HR drone said "ok, I guess [me] is just determined to hold everyone up. We will handle you separately if you're struggling so much."

After I walked out and drove home, I called the hiring manager to apologize for not taking the job. He informed me that HR reported I had walked out after refusing to be drug tested"



"My favorite is 'there's alot of people waiting in line to work here, count yourself lucky. Huge red flag"



"Had an online interview with a company a few years ago.Was interviewed by the regional manager, seemed like a normal interview.

Halfway through, he let slip that there were six other people from his company watching and listening in, but the software was set up so I could not see or hear them.

And he actually got a kick out of telling me this.

It was like being on a first date with someone, and finding out later she had a hidden camera on her and her parents and six other family members were watching the whole time.

I'm like, yeah. No. F@#k that noise."


Job Interview Red Flags Can Come From Both Sides…