“Every day, I used to see an old man jogging in the morning from my balcony. ’Cool,’ — I thought, ’He’s elderly but is still athletic.’ And once, I saw him running, and then suddenly he grabbed his chest with his hand. I immediately realized that something bad was happening. I ran out into the street wearing shorts and slippers, dragged him into my car, and called an ambulance. I put him on the seat, got him some water, and found smelling salts in the first-aid kit. The ambulance arrived in 5 minutes, doctors put him in the car and left. So that was it, I helped and that was it. About a week later, I walked over to my car and saw this envelope. Now, I will wait for this elderly man to go on a jog again so I can return the money to him.”
I suppose putting leftist mind control propaganda is fine. Hypocrite!!