"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition DVD. Mowed. Lawns, saved allowance (which was rare in my cash-strapped family), stockpiled birthday money. Anything it took, because I loved those movies. Next year, I did the same for the Two Towers extended edition, but my Grandmother, God bless her, gifted me The Return of the King for Christmas the next year because she wanted me to save my money. I still have them and watch them frequently."
Sure, I could afford to just buy it, but I decided to pay for this one outside my regular budget, so I set aside some money each month for a while. Just as I had enough set aside it became available and with a discount, so I'll probably get the kit to put lights in it as well.
I'll "set money aside monthly" more when I want something though; getting something you want feels better when you have saved up for it over time rather than just having enough money after bills to simply buy it.