I had a few of these little pals when I was a child. Their friendship and clowniness gave to me all I had to have. When I came home from school, they swarmed all over me to greet me and chatter about their awesome day, all excited. Good times.
We went in to a pet store and right near the entrance was a parakeet in a cage. They wanted $20 for the bird and the cage. It was a nice cage so it seemed like a good deal. Found out a week or so later that really they just wanted to dump an aggressive bird on an unsuspecting customer. It was super annoying and would squawk all day. Hated that bird. Thank you for reading my uplifting and positive bird memory
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I had a few of these little pals when I was a child. Their friendship and clowniness gave to me all I had to have. When I came home from school, they swarmed all over me to greet me and chatter about their awesome day, all excited. Good times.
We went in to a pet store and right near the entrance was a parakeet in a cage. They wanted $20 for the bird and the cage. It was a nice cage so it seemed like a good deal. Found out a week or so later that really they just wanted to dump an aggressive bird on an unsuspecting customer. It was super annoying and would squawk all day. Hated that bird. Thank you for reading my uplifting and positive bird memory