Nadine 3 year s ago
Who's the stupid millennial who wrote all this?? dash
Manerva 3 year s ago

This is not Millenials thing, this is Gen Z for sure. Millenials are too much worried about paying bills instead creating bullsh#t like this. 35
Rosina 3 year s ago
The way you go to bed at night and get up again in the morning is crazy.
Sabrina 3 year s ago
Rosina,Yah, breakfast, Lunch and Supper, stupid it is.
Edny 3 year s ago
What the hell hurt you?

Does ANYTHING make you happy other then insulting other peoples lives?

Manerva 3 year s ago
Diet Culture is related to healthness!!!! If you don't get it you are probably a obese! I'm not talking about stop eating, I'm not talking about doing crazy things, just to take care yourself. Diet Culture in normal way is a good thing. In extreme, nothing is good, religion, politics ...
Martin 3 year s ago
Manerva, “a obese” JC-LOL

And no, diet culture isn’t related to “healthness”. Diets are fads, usually unhealthy, that try to sell shortcuts and alternatives to simply eating healthy and exercising regularly. These are the only two disciplines that work in the long run. There are no shortcuts, and fad diet peddlers make millions of these lies.
Cage 3 year s ago
Wine Culture is the sh#t! Cheers drinks
Phillip 3 year s ago
#4 this entire push to obliterate and make child bearing "uncool" is one of the most insidious, evil things imaginable. Its slow motion genocide.
Martin 3 year s ago
Phillip, I don’t get people like you. There are hundreds of thousands of orphaned children right now. The way the human population grows, we will exhaust the land and viable agricultural area within a century. What is evil about wanting people to take having children more seriously instead of this mindset of just have as many kids as possible, even if you can’t provide for them. It’s a matter of prioritizing quality over quantity. As in the quality of those lives brought into this world. There is nothing evil about that.
Hetty 3 year s ago
I realize this is probably too abstract for you, but the populations embracing zero population growth and the ones having multiple children per family are not the same ones.

Your guilt about being white will accomplish nothing except, in fact, the slow motion genocide of the white European race.

Having Kids

"Having kids. No wait. It's not toxic in its entirety. There are aspect in it that are really toxic hear me out. Having children is glamorized and prioritize over very necessary pieces of actually raising children. People are not addressing their past traumas, they not addressing their stability, mentally, physically, financially. All of these thing are taking a back seat to an idea bringing children to this world and having a baby shower, and having a gender reveal, Both the children and parents are forced in this reality that they can't recreate their favorite TV show family. The life is very real but having children are glamorized and the kids will group with not addressed traumas and repeat the cycle."


These Things Are Glamorized, But Are Actually Toxic!
