"My father-in-law is unfortunately an @$$hole who happened to stay at my home once. My significant other and I cooked dinner (it was something with a tomato sauce) and after a dinner full of father-in-law making racist, sexist, bigoted @$$hole statements, we went to clean up.
The kitchen sink and dishwasher are maybe 10 feet from where he is sitting. I was taking my plate to the sink while making eye contact with and talking to my SO (i.e. not looking at father-in-law). He apparently held out his plate full of tomato sauce for me to take to the sink right there and I didn't notice.
After I didn't take it, his response was to flip the plate upside down onto the white carpet. He didn't apologize or say "oops" or try to clean it up. His response was to cross his arms over his fat body and frown. He has not been invited back since, although whenever we're frustrated we now say, "f@#k it, plate flip.""
...the amount of ignorance in your comment speaks for itself.