The Icelandic Parliament Is The Longest Running Parliament In The World
The national parliament of Iceland is called the Althingi. It is the oldest parliament in the world that still runs to this day. It was first founded in 930 at what we now know as Thingvellir National Park. All free men could attend the assembly and it was the biggest social event of the year. Even when Icelanders submitted to the authority of the Norwegian king in the 13th century and under the control of the Danish monarchy since the end of the 14th century, the Althingi still existed in some form until 1800 when it was disbanded by a royal decree. The Althingi was re-established in Reykjavík and assembled again in 1845.
I can respect the need to control population growth. However, I am baffled by your choice to characterize the policy as "admirable in these times".