Effective love is a lifelong condition as well... but just like OCD it can change focus from one subject to another over time. Like a wall-to-wall hoarder who gains a fear of bedbugs and empties their house and sleeps on a plastic covered board (real person) for years.
The Aztecs believed that childbirth was a form of battle. Women who died giving birth were supposedly sent to the same heaven as warriors who died in battle.
Effective love is a lifelong condition as well... but just like OCD it can change focus from one subject to another over time. Like a wall-to-wall hoarder who gains a fear of bedbugs and empties their house and sleeps on a plastic covered board (real person) for years.
Correlation does not prove causation! Damn my stats prof.
Effective love is a lifelong condition as well... but just like OCD it can change focus from one subject to another over time. Like a wall-to-wall hoarder who gains a fear of bedbugs and empties their house and sleeps on a plastic covered board (real person) for years.