The Wedding Ceremony
"Well that would have to be the wedding ceremony itself. My parents raised me to believe that a simple, commonlaw marriage was good enough. By which I mean my mom just moved in with my dad and started using his last name and they addressed one another with spouse titles like husband and wife when asked. But they had no marriage license, no paperwork, no certificates, there was no ceremony. My parents were fine with this for years and I grew up disliking the idea of a ceremony and certificates and stuff. I'm also an introvert so I can't imagine how embarrassing it would be to have all the people i love watching me in a big wedding dress saying vows. Plus I'm not a christian, not really anything, my beliefs are my own pieced together from my experience with various faiths around the world."
The Wedding Itself
"I’m definitely not opposed to MARRIAGE. Of course I wouldn’t have a child with someone I wasn’t married to.
But the idea of spending that much money, time, and energy planning a party doesn’t really appeal to me — especially since I know I probably wouldn’t get to talk to the guests for more than a few minutes each.
I also don’t like being the center of attention, and think I would find spending a whole day having everyone ooh and aah over me to be exhausting. Like, if I’m crushing it at a basketball game, I don’t mind people cheering for me and chanting at me for that hour. If I’m doing a live show, I don’t mind being in front of the audience… But in those cases, I’m the center of attention because I’m doing something I love, not because I’ve found someone to love…"
Why? Because they don't want to follow every standard traditional thing?
If someone tells me that they don't understand some tradition a take them as an illiterate person. You don't need to follow, but understand? Just research it.
You can choose what you want.