"I worked with large tortoises. We had these 5-gallon buckets for cleaning the poop out of enclosures and other buckets for feeding them fresh grass we cut. The first day on the job I took both buckets into the pen and started by dumping out the grass. Then I went around to collect poop. I heard this awful loud grunting and something breaking.
One of the 300 lb males tried to bang the bucket in front of visitors and flattened it. He would even follow me around just in case I might leave more innocent buckets unattended."
You have never lived on a boat with wild birds overhead in masse, because some birds can definately choose WHEN they go. For survival they can release before flight, to gross out a predator, or mark territory/flight path. Or they can hold it near their nests to avoid attracting attention. No animal as evolved as a bird would leave pooping up to pure chance.