Eustacia 3 year s ago
What bothers me the most is how so many people immediately accept and embrace the information that “authorities”, and media, disseminate without even researching how that information may be in error. These authorities are master manipulators - they know that if a population is scared then that population will do essentially anything they are told without question. It’s the “Kool-aid Syndrome.” If these authorities, with help from the media, told people to crash their cars head first at high speed in to a concrete barrier they’d do it. People have a hard time thinking for themselves.
Lonzo 3 year s ago

It's an illusion if you think you could do proper research on your own. We need authorities and experts. We can't know everything. It's just too much information out there.
Midge 3 year s ago

its not like the authorities have lied before,remember the mass destruction weapons in iraq they still havent been found,remember when china said theres nothing goin on in december 2019 and in february 2020 we had corona,remember when the authoritative source was the catholic church and imprisoned ppl for saying that earth isnt at the center of the universe...see this is why i do not believe in the authority simply for being the authority its the first step to fascism and any form of fascism is to be rejected
Eustacia 3 year s ago
Lonzo, it’s not so much doing the research on your own, it’s looking at research that dissents from the narrative that those in power would have you believe. An example that is clear to us, because it is unclouded by western bias, is what happens in North Korea. Whatever Kim Jong-un says is “their” truth - he is their authority. But we outsiders know that much of what he says is agenda driven. They won’t question it (even if they were able), nor look at dissenting opinion, because they feel incapable - which is analogous to your position. It’s the same tactic that works for dictators though because you don’t feel oppressed you don’t sense it thus you disagree.
Monty 3 year s ago

Yeah, but most people do their "research" on Facebook or 8chan. There is a reason we have authorities and experts. They usually went to a university to learn it and studied what they know for a long time in the field.
For example just about every medical expert has the same opinion about Covid, yet a few idiots did "research" on YouTube and now think it's an engineered virus by millionaires/the Chinese/the secret shadow government/shapeshifting alien lizard people or doesn't even exist. Or think it's a "bad flu".
Despite the fact that Intense cares around the world have been overflowing for more than a year and thousands who had it still are not completely better months after they had it. That never happened in normal flu season.

Obviously think for yourself.
But I'm not suddenly gonna disregard everything my doctor says after trusting him for years because of "Covid vaccine = poison" stickers that refer to a nonsensical article written by a idiot that works at a fast food restaurant.
Maurice 3 year s ago
Very brave Izi! I think you'll be moderating this post on steroids! Agree with many disagree with a few.
For me it's phones. Groups of people together all looking at phones - the illuminated faces! Cutting of a conversation to answer a call - taking calls whilst at a meal. Maybe these will die out or maybe become the new norm???
Agh - that's my therapy for the day! 35
Seymour 3 year s ago
Cancel Culture isn't a modern social trend. Look what happened when Monty Python movies were released. Or what happened to gay pride events and stuff like this in te past. The name for it is knew and it's now fancy to be a victim of it.
Mariah 3 year s ago
Many of these "trends" are not new, just ordinary despisable human behavior amplified as a poor form of entertainment
Dalton 3 year s ago
Don't forget religion! What people fail to understand is that religion(s) are the single most ingenious man made creation to control the ignorant masses. It simply give license to suspend rational thinking.
Eustacia 3 year s ago
Dalton, you would like to believe that all of your beliefs that align with so called “science” are rational but they are not. If you could provide a viable and logical answer for how the elements came in to existence, or how inorganic matter became life, then your science based position would be fully embraced. But you can’t - you have suspended rational thinking in these two basic areas. You are self deceived - you are fully participating in the “controlled ignorant masses.”
Dalton 3 year s ago
Eustacia,Eustacia, you are correct in your assessment of not know how these things came into existence. However, there is tangible evidence that science provides in the explorations, and there is a logical progression to answering existential questions. Religion(s) employ shaming, punitive punishments, having every action and even thoughts observed like some peeping tom. All based on human written texts, come on! The atrocities the men have committed in the name of whatever bogey man in the sky they worship, is nothing short of lunacy. Religion is the mother deception.
Eustacia 3 year s ago
Dalton, science provides no logical progression to answering existential questions. The path science is leading you down for existential issues is a dead end - as much as you wish it to be so, the truth is not at the end of your preferred belief system. You look at the origin of the elements, and the origin of life, and shrug your shoulders and say “beats me!” but you KNOW God doesn't exist and if he does exist surely he did not establish any rules for us to live by. Are you really so myopic that you can’t see that qualifies as irrational thinking? Don’t hold yourself up in your own imagination that you are some how higher than the rest of us because you think logic is on your side - it is not. When you seek truth you will quickly find that while science is good and beneficial it is not able to answer important, broader questions that are critical to mankind. To have a belief system that cannot address such fundamental questions is evidence that you are badly off track.
Saul 3 year s ago
Eustacia, Imagination you say. Well, I didn't have to imagine how random and cruel life is in my years as medivac pilot. If there is/are any inipotent beings looking over their flock, they/it don't give two sh#ts about them. This notion of thanking a god for saving them while their neighbors die a horrific, protracted death is typical of religious idiots. Yes, idiots! I've wasted enough time on you. People that can preach while never really experience life are delusional. With hand on bible, for the grace of god go I huh. Have a nice closed minded illusion filled life.
Mellony 3 year s ago
Calling it cultural appropriation when a white person has dreadlocks but being silent when a black person has straightened hair or dyed it blond.
Jos 3 year s ago
#16 Add “racist” to the list with victim and survivor.
Marion 3 year s ago
Ok, now: would you all kindly f@#k off!?
Cora 3 year s ago
#1 is true. Like when people pretend that men are women and women are men regardless of biological facts.
Marv 3 year s ago

Uh oh Cora, that downvote tells me you rained on someone's charade.
Eph 3 year s ago

Biological facts like that there are more than two genders because you can have gender 3 chromosomes and that's not as rare as you think?
Link 3 year s ago
Funny. A post I fully agree with.

"How people try to destroy you or simply frown upon when you don’t join whatever bandwagon they’re on."



"The fact that if you don't have Instagram and don't document your whole entire existence you're a nobody and don't have a life and live under a rock??? Excuse me but since I deleted social media accounts my life seems way more fulfilling and enjoyable than having to worry about how many people views my story and liked my photo of what dirt i ate for breakfast."



"Plain articles of clothing like a t-shirt where the only thing on them is a large graphic of the logo of the brand that made it. See it a lot with “Gucci”. People are literally paying hundreds of their own money to be a walking advertisement for a company."



"Everyone acting like experts on crazily complex topics because they either read a headline or one article that agrees with what they already believed."


These Modern Social Trends Are Really Annoying!