"Your vagina getting ripped during childbirth, 9 months in hell (pregnancy) but then childbirth and pregnancy arent even the hardest parts of parenthood. Staying up at night, getting little to to rest, changing smelly diapers, post-partum depression, physical and mental exhaustion, the financial strain of having a child, the unavoidable health damages of pregnancy. The list goes on.. seriously, what is there to like?!"
Put a child in the world and not give then love to transform then in a real pearson would be a crime.
Kids are a lot of work, and a lot of people are clearly too weak and fragile to handle it, but when you aren't a terrible parent it's amazing how great having a family an be.
Yah, what a women would say when a man rejects them for not kissing @$$ and doing their bidding.
You got me there fam. Same here. Mid 40s, enough money, time and a bit wisdom for two wonderful girls...