"Nurse here. If you're an alcoholic that's admitted to the hospital, don't lie about how much you drink. There are drugs we can give you to take the edge off of withdrawals. It's safer for you and safer for us. We're not judging you, we have safety in mind."
"If you're impaled by something don't pull it out."
"Not a doctor but something a doctor told me when the incident occurred.
Girls if you get excruciating cramps at the time of your period and it feels much worse then it actually is, go to a doctor.
When I was 13 I had already been confirmed to having a ovarian cyst, and it made it very painful for me during my periods to the point where I had passed out from the pain of it once. However at one point it felt much worse then it typically did and I blew it off as being because of my period.
It turned out my appendix was bursting.
The doctor told me a lot of woman blow off period cramps because doctors tend to do the same. Don't, it almost meant life or death for me."
"If you get in an accident as a biker, don't take your helmet off your head under any circumstances. You can unhook the strap if you really need to to not suffocate, but that's it.
(Stop reading here if you're a faint of heart): Many times, your head will break like an egg and the helmet is basically the only thing preventing your skull from being skewered by your cranium shards or spilling out."