Carmellia 3 year s ago
#10 A card catalog? Really? So what if you're librarians. I'm a teacher. I'd never install a freakin' chalkboard in my house.
Yul 3 year s ago
Carmellia, if the size is right, those card catalogs make awesome wine cabinets. I would love to get my hands on one!
Jan 3 year s ago
They sell these things called wine racks. They aren't butt-ugly and they don't take up 10 times too much space.
Rissa 3 year s ago
#23. How is a ridiculously large $500 purple chair from a flea market considered "Thrift Store Luck" ?!
Unless they mean the luck of the person asking $500 for it and the fact that some schmuck actually paid that !!!

"I've Wanted To Share The Story Of My Special Lamp For Some Time"

"A little back story: my Dad left the poor family farm during the Depression to pursue his education at Appalachian State deep in the NC mountains. He earned his tuition by living in a basement boiler room and keeping the boilers fired for that building. He frequently ate on 10 cents a day: a nickel for a Coke, a nickel for a can of sardines, and the soda crackers that were free with the sardines. He picked up a bit of pocket money by playing his guitar for the little mountain churches on Sundays, and playing saxophone with a local dance band on Saturday nights. 75 years later, with my Daddy long gone, we were cleaning out the house I grew up in, preparing to sell it. Among the artifacts that turned up - Daddy's saxophone. It was never a high quality instrument, and 75+ years in basement storage had not been kind to it. It didn't make sense to try to restore it, but I couldn't bear to throw it out. It came home with me and collected dust for a couple of years, until I came home from school one day to find that my brilliant husband had transformed it into this awesome lamp"


Thrift Store Luck