Mervyn 2 year s ago
Who knew that the 11-13 year olds on Reddit could dispel so many myths?
Ona 2 year s ago
#38 There are a lot of black belts that basically purchased them and should register their fists as completely useless in a street fight.
Obed 2 year s ago
Good thing I don't get my facts from this website. 35
Phillip 2 year s ago
#5: the poor lady indeed did get burns, because she was being an idiot and handling her coffee stupidly.
Ivy 2 year s ago
Phillip, she got third degree burns on her inner thighs and genitals that required skin grafts. From coffee. There’s an expectation that coffee is hot, but third degree burn hot is ridiculous. She was awarded a large amount as punitive damages to McDonalds because it happened several times before, making them fully aware of the problem, but they did nothing about it.
Shaina 2 year s ago
Ivy, The temperature at which McDonalds sold their coffee, you would expect scalds in about a tenth of a second. Normal coffee temperature could scald you in less than a second. Selling cooler temperature doesn't make anyone safer, because you would have to remove your seatbelt, get out of the car, remove any wet clothing, and blot dry your skin, and do so in less than a second. It is possible to be scalded in your tub in 90 seconds even with a anti-scald temperature control. Basically ice coffee would be the only coffee that is safe.
Elisha 2 year s ago
Phillip, I mean she did put it between her legs + she had been buying coffee at macdonalds for years so she knew how hot it was. Yes the McDonalds makes hot coffee, but she caused her own accident to begin with.
Barby 2 year s ago

This particular mcd's location had messed with the wiring on the coffee machine so it was much hotter than normal. When she put the cup between her legs, the cup melted and then her skin melted.

I worked fast food, someone cleaning the fry vats put a plastic trash bin to catch the hot oil instead of the metal can that was specifically for that. When the vat was emptied, the plastic bin held for about thirty seconds and then melted all at once. No one was hurt, but it took a while to clean up.
Jos 2 year s ago
#14 I use the 5 minute rule. #27 MSG isn’t poison, but three members of my family have adverse reactions to it, none of which are life threatening. It is not the same chemical as table salt. I’m not a chemist or a doctor, but I’ve read that the glutamate is the problem.
Barby 2 year s ago

Nope, MSG is poison. Anything that causes damage to your body is by definition a toxin, poison.
It causes migraines, accumulates in testicles, and has been linked to sudden cardiac arrest. So yeah, it is life threatening. Severe migraines can also cause strokes.
Paddy 2 year s ago
#2 is false. Not looking for proof is not dispelling a myth. Having first person experience, and the violent dismissal by the "media" leads me to believe there is more there than not. Let us not forget Big Pharma's role in this. More "vaccines", more money for government kickbacks.
Adolphus 2 year s ago
Paddy, There is plenty of proof, studies say that vaccines and autism can NOT be linked. I would like to know what this first person experience is you are talking about as well as point out that your "believe there is more there than not" does not equal that facts of countless clinical studies. So please don't disguise your opinion as a fact in the future, and substantiate your bold claim "THIS IS FALSE" with more than your believes.
Lenora 2 year s ago
#34 Nah, both siden used pencils at first and both discovered that graphite dust was a nasty thing having floating into all the electric stuff.
A normal ball point pen works by capilary effect in zero but Fisher made a name for themselves by inventing the "space" pen that is gas filled and can write upside down in normal gravity.
Mort 2 year s ago
Hai giuze, the earth is flat.
Gay 2 year s ago
Myth: COVID is deadly for everyone, so everyone needs to be vaccinated.
Myth: Natural immunity isn't as good as a vaccine and doesn't last.
Myth: There are no dangerous side-effects with the COVID vaccine.
Myth: The COVID vaccine is FDA approved.

"That gold fish can life in small fish bowls. Worst possible thing to do to them. They die so quickly because they are messy fish and ultimate swimming in toxic water. The need twice the water a regular fish needs to dilute the ammonia their food and waste create. Goldfish can grow up to 12-14 inches and live 10-15 years in a proper habitat! Just because your parents’ parent did this or you see them at the fair doesn’t mean it’s right. Same goes for most animals kept in small cages/tanks. If you aren’t going to do it right, then you should not own that pet. Do your research. End rant ha"


These Myths Are Really Annoying!