"That happiness usually comes from a diverse range of interests, hobbies, and commitments. You are not your job. Your romantic partner cannot be your everything, etc. It's so easy to get sucked into a life where your career is everything or where you wrap your entire identity around your partner. There is nothing wrong with celebrating your loved ones and being close. And there is nothing wrong with caring about your job...you just need more to thrive. I see this so often in relationships. Two people meet and fall in love. They each inspire one another based on their interests and achievements, it's part of what makes them fall in love. But slowly, over time, they let those hobbies go. Stress gets in the way. Bills pile up. And then one day they find themselves wondering why they ever loved this person in the first place. Instead of being sexy and interesting they're just part of a routine."
What is common and obvious for some may be invisible or hard to do for others.
And we all can use a remembering from time to time.
Not everyone needs or wants a family. Someone is not a fool if they want something different than you.
I call bs. You can find friends and be very close to them, like a family. You can have a sh#tty family or no family at all and still be happy. And you can live a happy life without having kids, no matter if you could not have kids or you chose not to.
Different people are different. If this is your opinion, Cilla, it's fine. But don't act like it's an universal truth.
Your work here is done. You have earned a blessed Sunday.
Best family time ever. Roasted marshmallows, ghost stories and counting shooting stars.