If you all stopped buying 'Made In China' products the people in your community would have more jobs and when it all collapses you won't be without all the stuff you need and want. Seriously, buy local made products.
Note - This is not anti-China, if you live in China you too should buy locally made goods and products.
Augustina, buy local!! which means? some companies decide local means 650miles away. i spent local because a business sells bee products. that manager turned around and upgraded his iphone.
If you all stopped buying 'Made In China' products the people in your community would have more jobs and when it all collapses you won't be without all the stuff you need and want. Seriously, buy local made products.
Note - This is not anti-China, if you live in China you too should buy locally made goods and products.
Augustina, buy local!! which means? some companies decide local means 650miles away. i spent local because a business sells bee products. that manager turned around and upgraded his iphone.
Note - This is not anti-China, if you live in China you too should buy locally made goods and products.
Keep your neighbours working.
buy local!! which means? some companies decide local means 650miles away. i spent local because a business sells bee products. that manager turned around and upgraded his iphone.
Why would that even matter?