Minerva 3 year s ago
All my bullies live much happier and more fulfilled lives than I do. The psychological scars I developed over all those years will take much longer to get rid of, while they just moved on.
Justice does not exist.
Madelyn 3 year s ago

Yeah, it seems that this behaviour of putting down others early in life is giving these people a head start of self confidence wich makes them able to reach their goals, leaving a mess behind.
Prue 3 year s ago

True. The only thing you can do is make the best of your own life with what you have.
But like all things in life stereotypes and standards are not true. Sometimes bullies and bullied people become successful, sometimes not.
But that shouldn't even be a factor in your experience. Justice doesn't matter in this case. However hard it is, ignore and stonewall the people that don't like you. And bite back if they cross the line.
Fact of the matter is that most people that bully are unhappy in one way or another. A lot feel insecure and insignificant and try to kick others down to make themselves feel better. In other words, pathetic people.
Don't care about the opinion of a pathetic idiot that is obviously scared to face you alone. Because if you encounter them alone, usually they say nothing.
Use them as an example to not be like that.
Live your life the best you can and let your strength show by helping others.
TL;DR Be better than a bully. You can do it.
Judson 3 year s ago
Minerva, There are people who feel like victims all the time, regardless of their circumstances. Those with a victim mentality are always being victimized, at least in their own mind. By claiming the victim role, you are intensifying your pain. When you hear yourself going into blame stories, whether against other people, the world, life, whomever... say “stop” to yourself out loud, and actually turn your attention away from your blaming thoughts. Victim mentality focuses you on your suffering, specifically what you’re not getting. Try flipping your perspective and focusing on something that matters to you.
Norah 3 year s ago
I read in the local paper that my elementary school bully was arrested for grand theft after breaking into a nearby house.
Saul 3 year s ago
I knocked the sh#t out of him one day in gym class and that was that, last I heard he became some town drunk
Mackenzie 3 year s ago
Found dead in a van down by the river covered in his own waste. At least I hoped they did. In reality not a clue what happened to both friend or foe from high school. Everyone fell off the world after High School many decades ago.
Fina 3 year s ago
Not my bully specifically, I got along with everyone. I did meet the school bully several years ago. I remember him as this huge body builder type. Then I realized he was in Senior weightlifting and I was in freshman PE.

He just looked small and defeated when he found out who I was and that I was much bigger than him now and way more chill to boot. I felt sorry for him.
Eric 3 year s ago
don't be, karma is a b...
Elze 3 year s ago
Dudes in jail haha!
Kristy 3 year s ago
Mine got trampled to death by a rampaging bull. He was a video rider....
Hosea 3 year s ago
Didn’t bully me but everyone was afraid of him: died at 42 from liver cancer from all the steroids.
Where Are Your Bullies Now? (32 PICS + 6 GIFS)
