Judy 2 year s ago
#18 - LOL
#12 - I wouldn’t expect my neighbor to help pay for my fence between our yards so he was initially right to tell grandma no.
Kendall 2 year s ago
I call BS on #10. Moving the outhouse on Halloween it a story as old as the outhouse. Nice Try.
Lucy 2 year s ago

Maybe, my grandfather told us how he and some friends put the outhouse on top of the guys house and then waited to scare him as he was coming home at night.
Said his father beat him thoroughly and that he would never do it again, but that one time was worth it.
Lonzo 2 year s ago
I went out to work and left a 45rpm record of the dogs barking 'Jingle Bells' playing over and over on the record player.
I had the volume low, but just loud enough for my noisy apartment neighbor to hear.
We spoke when I got home........got everything straightened out between us.
On their best behavior afterwards.
Lucy 2 year s ago
A friend who worked and lived in an apartment complex had a baby that was a couple of weeks old and colicky. The upstairs neighbor would turn up the TV to its highest volume and stomp around in heels for hours while she vacuumed. She started Fridays evenings, went into early Saturday morning, and would start again Saturday evening. She refused to stop. So one Friday, he went to the maintenance closet and unplugged her cable connection. His wife said at soon as the TV went out, the vacuuming stopped and she did not restart it. He would plug the cable back in Monday morning before anyone got there to check on it. He did it every weekend for a couple months till she stopped.
Who needs to wear high heels and have the TV on full blast to vacuum a small apartment for hours?

"There was a really quiet, meek guy on our street, and a neighbor would constantly let their dog poo on his front lawn. He tried all the normal things like pepper on the lawn, motion sprinklers, and little signs, but the dog owner didn't care. Well, one day the guy got so mad, he mashed up and liquified his OWN POO and put it into a super soaker. He followed the man home, then returned in the middle of the night and emptied the super soaker through the man's letterbox. The impact splatter hit the walls, hallway, stairs, ceiling and even reached into the kitchen at the end of the hallway. Apparently the stench was HORRENDOUS."


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