Gussie 2 year s ago
#10 no, it was not gold in the original story. It was fur and stories where not originally made for kids, connect the dots yourself
Amanda 2 year s ago

Could you please elaborate on this?
What was the original version of the story?
Thank you.
Rupert 2 year s ago
He means she lost her virginity
Bryant 2 year s ago
Concerning "a quiet place"... that kind of scenario is probably one of the few where "pulling out and hoping for the best" is actually a better option than doing nothing at least... no wait, doing nothing would have been better.
Kate 2 year s ago

I haven't seen the movie myself, but if you're living in a world where creatures that hunt by sound are wiping out mankind, clapping cheeks would be the last thing on my mind.
Steven 2 year s ago
You know what they say... up the bum, no babies
Monte 2 year s ago
Maybe we should stop over-analyzing things and just enjoy the movie. It's called "suspension of disbelief."
Kate 2 year s ago
#14 This doesn't explain anything. Rationalising that he's an avenger with access to camera footage?

Weak @$$ explanation.

#13 That's not even correct. All human tech was reverse engineered from the crashed fighter, hence why Goldblum could communicate with it.

Most of these are a stretch at best.
Delphia 2 year s ago
#4 But he was able to order pizza delivery by phone... acute
Dunk 2 year s ago
Mythbuster proved that #8 was plausible. The explanation given here is pure BS. Rose was selfish. The proof is that she had the diamond all along and inspite of knowing that the crew was spending millions looking for it, she never said anything and threw it into the ocean.
Phillip 2 year s ago
Wow most of these explanations are terrible and do not match the events in the films. But hey, nice try acute
Sibbie 2 year s ago
#12 If anyone takes half a mo' to check this with Tolkien lore(of which there is A LOT), or read the books(which I would HIGHLY recommend that everyone does), they will find out why:
The eagle that carries Frodo from Mount Doom is Gwaihir The Windlord, the leader of the great Eagles during the Third Age. He is a descendant of Thorondor, the greatest Eagle who ever lived. More or less, we're talking about the very respectable and very proud king of birds.

At one point, Gandalf saves Gwaihir from death after he's been shot by a poison arrow. For this, Gwaihir would owe Gandalf a small favor(because of the royalty and pride thing), and this(combined with the fact that he knew that Frodo had saved the world) is why Gwaihir saved Frodo(and his brother Landroval saved Sam). For humans, this seems like a small, trivial task, but for Eagles, to allow themselves to be used as a "taxi service" would be too far beneath them to do.

Anyway, the REAL plothole in LOTR, that more or less not a single soul on this green earth is aware of, is that Gandalf could have ended the war long before it started. Gandalf is not a wizard, in the sense one usually thinks of the word. Gandalf is not human. Gandalf is a Maiar, an immortal spirit that has existed since before time itself. Basically, he's as close to a god as you'll get in the Tolkien universe, and he is powerful enough to permanently vanquish Sauron by snapping his fingers, or farting for that matter. The only thing stopping him is that the Maiar isn't supposed to interact with the fate of the world, at least not more than giving a tiny bit of aid in battles and such.

Plot Hole: "In Captain America: Civil War (2016) Tony Stark figures out that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and we’re never told how."


Explanation: "That doesn’t break the rules of the universe, however, since we know that Tony Stark can probably easily access a lot of security footage (he even shows some to Peter) and we can imagine that he used that to track Peter down; or there may be a different explanation, dude’s an Avenger after all. It would be different if, say, that teacher from the maths competition group in Homecoming just knew Peter’s identity, without explanation, because one of the rules of the universe is that Peter keeps his secret identity pretty secret."


Explaining Biggest Movie And TV Plot Holes (21 PICS + 1 GIF)