Angie 2 year s ago
I wanted to leave some itchy comments, but there's too much to read. In the meantime, for our "friend":
Cats are awesome!
Tiffy 2 year s ago
A friend of mine had just came over to my house after being at the racetrack all day. He had just had a nitrous system put in and was tweaking it. He removed the back seat for less weight. Sometime later that night my sister called asking for a ride home from work. We head out to the car but I decide not to get in because she would have to sit in the back without a seat or seat belt. 2 minutes later his nitrous system malfunctioned and he lost control of the car hitting a tree on the passenger side. Completely destroyed the car and ejected him through the glass T-tops. He spent over a year in and out of the hospital but did recover. There is no way I would have survived.
Parsuny 2 year s ago
I got shot by a malformed bullet that would have completely killed me, but it was malformed so it didn't kill me all the way
Gatsy 2 year s ago
i pissed on floor women police come arrest i say oh you so beautiful she see my big huge enis and say woow lets marry now she gained 40kg and does shower only once a week life is sad in belarus

"When my now-husband was 18, he found out that his mom's side of the family was Spanish, not Mexican. He found this interesting, so he changed his country to 'Spain' on MySpace, instead of the US, which is where he really was.

Meanwhile, in Australia, I was helping my friend find Spanish people to add as friends, since she was learning the language. I came across my now-husband's profile and decided to send him a friend request as well. We got along really well and met in person after three years. We have now been together 11 years, married for seven. If he didn’t change his country to Spain (which he only did for a day or so) we’d never have known each other existed."


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