Angie 2 year s ago
I wanted to leave some itchy comments, but there's too much to read. In the meantime, for our "friend":
Cats are awesome!
Tiffy 2 year s ago
A friend of mine had just came over to my house after being at the racetrack all day. He had just had a nitrous system put in and was tweaking it. He removed the back seat for less weight. Sometime later that night my sister called asking for a ride home from work. We head out to the car but I decide not to get in because she would have to sit in the back without a seat or seat belt. 2 minutes later his nitrous system malfunctioned and he lost control of the car hitting a tree on the passenger side. Completely destroyed the car and ejected him through the glass T-tops. He spent over a year in and out of the hospital but did recover. There is no way I would have survived.
Parsuny 2 year s ago
I got shot by a malformed bullet that would have completely killed me, but it was malformed so it didn't kill me all the way
Gatsy 2 year s ago
i pissed on floor women police come arrest i say oh you so beautiful she see my big huge enis and say woow lets marry now she gained 40kg and does shower only once a week life is sad in belarus

"When I was in eighth grade, I had a really long bus ride home, so I would pass the time by reading. One day, I faced the very serious situation of having nothing to read and only a minute to grab something in the library. For whatever reason, I grabbed a book on astronomy. That book was amazing and grabbed me like nothing else had before. I remember being so excited to realize every astronomer on Earth was 13 years old once too, and that was a career you could actually do, even if you were from Pittsburgh!

Anyway, today I am a professional astronomer who studies gigantic space explosions for a living. There was a lot of work to get from that moment to this one, but I’m always grateful that I picked up that library book!"


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