Kiah 3 year s ago
Some of these fees are absolutely justified and can be avoided by smart shopping or better financial planning
Joan 3 year s ago
These are all wide-eyed questions by a 5 or 10-year-old... it would be a shame to be grown-up and not knowing how these stuff work.
Erwin 3 year s ago
the second #3, the 'middleman' is protecting your investment and sheilding you from liability.

What you're saying is, "I want a haircut. I'll just do it myself and cut out the middle man."

Yea, you can do that, I guess.
Jos 3 year s ago

I cut my own hair. It’s easy to do a crew cut. The barber shop near me charges $17.
Cory 3 year s ago
Jos, $17 is cheap nowadays. Mine wants $25 so with a tip it's getting to be quite a lot. But, most of the barbers are young guys so I don't mind helping them make a living.
Madelyn 3 year s ago
#11 I think this is a real timebomb, creating an even bigger gap between rich and poor.
Here in Germany you get paid for studying/learning a profession by the state. After finishing your studies you pay half of it back without any interest within a given time of ten years.
Martin 3 year s ago
#11 is a lie that gets repeated time and time again. In the US a credit hour at a very good state university is about < $250. A normal semester is about 14-15 credit hours. There are two semesters so let’s say 30 credit hours per year. 30 credit hours x $250 =$7500. For students that applied themselves in high school there are often scholarships that will pay for half of that. The problem is that people want to live on campus and buy restaurant food for every meal - if a person is stupid enough to do that then yes, they can pay $25k a year but if you’re smart and go to school locally it doesn’t cost anywhere near that.
Ike 3 year s ago
Estate agent in my country helps advertise my house, arrange meet up with buyer, deal with haggling sh#t, so i dont have to, and get with ALL the paperworks done. They need to be paid. Of course u can do it yourself too...
Daphie 3 year s ago
Some restaurants have started to implement a 15% 'Covid fee' to serve you.
Cathy 3 year s ago
#14... Well, if you paid more per month, then your deductible would be less.
Keep in mind though, If you become ill enough to not be able to work for a while and fail to make those monthly payments, no matter how much, the insurance company will drop your coverage like a hot rock! (I know I was there)
Alla 3 year s ago
#13 Yep, sell it yourself and save the fee. Then, repair your own car and save that money. While you're at it, reroof your own house and save that. And, don't put those savings in a bank. That's what mattresses are for......if that's your way of thinking (or NOT thinking).

I moved a lot due to my company promoting or transferring me so, over the years, I bought and sold a lot of houses. I wouldn't do the paperwork and deal with the legalities for twice their commission. Of course, another way to go about it would be to find your own buyer, negotiate the price and then, pay a realtor a smaller percentage to handle the paperwork and financing. That a much smarter way to go if saving a few bucks is that necessary. And, I realize that for some people, it is.

Lottery Tickets

At the convenience store I will often see people who are clearly poor and struggling to get by drop $200 on them without a second thought. Last week a guy in line purchased over $100 dollars of mega millions tickets. Two dollars per play and the odds of winning the top prize are 1 in 310 million! Unfortunately because somebody does eventually win these people keep playing thinking one day they’ll be that person.


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