"Discipline is very hard to maintain when you are lacking purpose.
When you are a teenager there’s so much you think you can achieve:
“I’ll get into that college.”
“I’ll get that degree.”
“I’ll land that cool job after.”
“I’ll date that person who will fulfill me.”
However, what happens when those things fail and you have to readjust? What if the idea of progress turns into an idea of just sustainment?
My advice to teenagers: The most important thing you need to work towards figuring out as you enter into early adulthood is your purpose. It can change over time of course, but never be without it."
If this post make you think of suicide, then you are the teacher audience and missed the point.
It's not like every job is sh#t.
A lot of these are not the result of aging but the result of trying to be a perpetual child and never learning maturity or how to grow, then life forcing you to.
S#ck it up, kids, it only gets worse.
You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living, that is
to go on doing things that you don't like - which is stupid.
Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing,
than a long life spent in a miserable way!