#35 I'll put up a sign with "unvaccinated people only", if anybody rings my doorbell they will get a pamphlet telling them where to get the vaccine and an apple.
Be careful with that sign, Amelia. You could get from 60-70 immigrants knocking at your door...but I'm sure you'd make room for them like a good little comrade, right?
Louis, pleas deny being treated at a hospital. All this scientific alchemy is a lie and your immune system will protect against anything hostile, like corona, aids, ebola, hunter, ...
#35 I'll put up a sign with "unvaccinated people only", if anybody rings my doorbell they will get a pamphlet telling them where to get the vaccine and an apple.
Be careful with that sign, Amelia. You could get from 60-70 immigrants knocking at your door...but I'm sure you'd make room for them like a good little comrade, right?
Louis, pleas deny being treated at a hospital. All this scientific alchemy is a lie and your immune system will protect against anything hostile, like corona, aids, ebola, hunter, ...
I'll put up a sign with "unvaccinated people only", if anybody rings my doorbell they will get a pamphlet telling them where to get the vaccine and an apple.
Win win
Shows how many reality deniers you triggered with that one.
Ever heard of a joke?
You 2 must have uncovered some important information that all the world's top scientists and virologists missed.
pleas deny being treated at a hospital. All this scientific alchemy is a lie and your immune system will protect against anything hostile, like corona, aids, ebola, hunter, ...
Im so lonely, when all this will end..
Also leave alone dont ever touch me
Cat is deaf
But now she can go f@#k herself.
More like a c@#k.
because she looks soooo natural? how can u know she applied 10x more?!
call me nasty but I don´t even this unnatural girly face is pretty. I like my girlfriend better.
Everybody goes shopping!
He's must buy new shoes every week