#11 Since when were sunstars endangered? We have them in Alaska and they are considered a nuisance, stealing crab from traps and getting hooked while fishing for halibut. Nowhere near endangered.
Sea star wasting disease is a gruesome killer, causing lesions, contortions, lost limbs, disintegration and death. Sunflower sea stars never recovered from being wiped out by the disease, and they have been declared critically endangered by the IUCN. Aug 18, 2021
#11 Since when were sunstars endangered? We have them in Alaska and they are considered a nuisance, stealing crab from traps and getting hooked while fishing for halibut. Nowhere near endangered.
Sea star wasting disease is a gruesome killer, causing lesions, contortions, lost limbs, disintegration and death. Sunflower sea stars never recovered from being wiped out by the disease, and they have been declared critically endangered by the IUCN. Aug 18, 2021
Sea star wasting disease is a gruesome killer, causing lesions, contortions, lost limbs, disintegration and death. Sunflower sea stars never recovered from being wiped out by the disease, and they have been declared critically endangered by the IUCN. Aug 18, 2021