Take a close look at the beard pattern, the eyebrows and other features. It is not the same guy. The story is, he got this shirt wrongly delivered. But it appeared the guy on the shirt could have been his brother.
Onicyphorous, some awesome explanations to be read at whatif.xkcd.com. Highy recommended! (Check out the one about how much data Google has. Nice twist at the end there!)
Take a close look at the beard pattern, the eyebrows and other features. It is not the same guy. The story is, he got this shirt wrongly delivered. But it appeared the guy on the shirt could have been his brother.
Onicyphorous, some awesome explanations to be read at whatif.xkcd.com. Highy recommended! (Check out the one about how much data Google has. Nice twist at the end there!)
Take a close look at the beard pattern, the eyebrows and other features. It is not the same guy. The story is, he got this shirt wrongly delivered. But it appeared the guy on the shirt could have been his brother.