"A 5 hour (47 miles) bus journey around Hong Kong for people to sleep on. The tour is designed for people who can’t sleep at night but fall asleep easily on the bus to and from work. Costs $13 to $51 depending on whether they choose the upper or lower deck"
Yes, Neptune has rings.
depends on your social credit score and if you wear a mask.
The UAE is one of the top ten richest countries in the world, and yet a large percentage of the population lives in poverty — an estimated 19.5 percent. ... Abu Dhabi and Dubai control 83.2 percent of the UAE's wealth.
#6 Disney has become a really sh1t company since Walt died. Falsifying history like that, their cancel culture etc.
because it's legal? why can i rape a child and give it aids in San Diego and only pay a fine?
Just because it's legal don't mean you can go down to the gun store and get one.
to own one there is a lot of permits and fee special if it's an automatic version of one.