#2 Looks like the women won. They are now 7 Marvel characters that are LGBTQ in the comics. Maybe the whole world is ghey and we just don't know it yet?
#7 "Mansplaining" isn't a thing, you stupid c#nt. It's just another fake word made up by oversensitive crybabies. That guy's an idiot, sure, but what you call "mansplaining" is just a guy explaining something to someone who doesn't get it, and who also happens to almost always be a woman.
#6 The monster then realizes that he's been created in the image of the most vile and contemptable species on the entire planet and decides to run with it, because f@#k it.
In reading nearly all of these, did your head slip out of your hand and hit the table too? I think the one that bothers me most is # 11...that's just a special kind of stupid.
#2 Looks like the women won. They are now 7 Marvel characters that are LGBTQ in the comics. Maybe the whole world is ghey and we just don't know it yet?
#7 "Mansplaining" isn't a thing, you stupid c#nt. It's just another fake word made up by oversensitive crybabies. That guy's an idiot, sure, but what you call "mansplaining" is just a guy explaining something to someone who doesn't get it, and who also happens to almost always be a woman.
#6 The monster then realizes that he's been created in the image of the most vile and contemptable species on the entire planet and decides to run with it, because f@#k it.
In reading nearly all of these, did your head slip out of your hand and hit the table too? I think the one that bothers me most is # 11...that's just a special kind of stupid.
#26 Also in mine!
#6 The monster then realizes that he's been created in the image of the most vile and contemptable species on the entire planet and decides to run with it, because f@#k it.