Louis 3 year s ago
To the person reading this, I don't care about you, and you don't care about me, and we both know it. We prove it everyday in a 1000 ways, each and every one of us, but then along come those cloying saps who leave syrupy 'u are awesome!' comments behind without meaning a word of it. It's a trend. That's all. From the same people who once cried YOLO and all other viral things that come along. Take away this much from MY comment, that I don't wish you good OR bad. Truly. And that was some actual honesty you found on the internet, which could be worth more than all this BS sentiment put together. Watch 'Demolition Man' and see WHY this is a trend.
Ivy 3 year s ago
Louis, thankfully you don’t speak for me or anyone else. Some people actually do care about their fellow beings. Not everyone has compassion, obviously, but a great number do.
Midge 3 year s ago
#10 ill take things on the internet that never happened.
Nonie 3 year s ago
Midge & Lois, don't you both need to get back to watching Fox News?
Sina 3 year s ago
CNN and All the rest of the gays on tv
Life Is A Beautiful Thing!
