It is considered good ettiquite to slurp noodles loudly.
In Japan people are generally reserved and polite, but when it comes to eating noodles (something people do a lot) you'll find the notoriously polite Japanese loudly slurping their noodles. The reason? Some say slurping allows you to better enjoy the aroma of the noodles, which is best appreciated via the mouth.
Either way, it's one time you can cut loose without feeling like a loud, bumbling foreigner.
Aren't you ... just a little ray of sunshine .
Hahaha!! Loser!!!
I've had it. It was delicious! My Japanese friends didn't tell me what it was until after I ate it.
#11 Beer in outdoor vending machines was a much appreciated surprise for me.
I am French, and you can get a horse tartare. (raw meat). It minced meat with capers, onions and various other seasonings.
And it tastes great.