Birdie 3 year s ago
tom c s#cks.... sending your kid to Baylor should be crime.
Tim 3 year s ago

well he is a Scientologist.
Forbidden 3 year s ago
#3 is my hometown…. Those some vicious seagulls
Alastair 3 year s ago
Looks familiar. Is it Brighton and Hove?
Occasion 2 year s ago

Nah… Cleethorpes haha
Water 3 year s ago
#1 Will Smith is smarter.
Alastair 3 year s ago
Yes but Tom Cruise is a Cult Leader. 27
Labour 3 year s ago

a yes, a yes, a photoshop.
Lucille 3 year s ago
#79 I just saw the finished display at the Lego store last week. https://imgur.com/a/EzLRnX5
Sister 3 year s ago
#37 & #80 - Kinda makes me sad I served my country in the military when I see the stupidity I helped preserve.
Penny 3 year s ago
Sister, Thanks for your service.
Kris 3 year s ago
#40 Where to even begin...
Court 3 year s ago

Words fail.
Ora 3 year s ago
Kris, To start, it's a load of manufactured and insincere grievance designed to promote a narrative of fake victimhood for the purpose giving uncontested power to those who claim to be the anointed ones able to create justice through force, violence, coercion and injustice, in other words, the bs excuse to give power to intolerant censorious authoritarian social justice tyrants in the name of their twisted equity.
Clem 3 year s ago
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Blanche 3 year s ago
#1 Tom just sits on it, Will wears it as a low hanging necklace
Mushroom 3 year s ago
#37 nice!
Jump 3 year s ago
#8 - not sure what that is but it looks disgusting. No wonder it’s free.
Sceeter 3 year s ago
Cornelia 3 year s ago
Sceeter,just because your country doesn't want you to own firearms doesn't mean that we'll put up with it
Eric 3 year s ago

Guns are safe. People are the problem.
Alastair 3 year s ago
But not you...right? Eric is not a problem person.
You have guns and you are not a problem right?
Guns are safe in the possession of certain people right?
The other people are the "problem".
And Eric just what is the "problem" with those people?
BTW if guns don't kill people then why do you need them? Huh Eric?
Eric 3 year s ago

EZ there. Your are crossing a line here :)

See your logic:
Cars can kill people, so why do you need them?
A good punch can kill a man, so why do you have arms?
Knives? Shovels? Alcohol? Stone? Belt?
Your logic is like that. And now I need no to get on your level, but let me explain a few things so you will be able to see a bigger picture here.

Guns are safe, because these objects don't make trouble by themselves.
CO is not safe, because it can kill without you notice that it is there. Bauxite is dangerous. Nitroglycerin is dangerous.


Those people, who want to hurt someone that did not do any trouble in the eye of the law so they don't deserves to die, in those situations the issue is with the people who cannot control themselves. These should be locked up from the society or threated with care and medication if necessary.

If someone would threat me on my own property, the society gave me the permission to kill that person without any punishment. Gun in that situation is not killing anyone, the man, who pulls the trigger does. And that man is not killing a citizen, but kills a threat that is supposed to be killed.
Now let's not talk about self defense for a bit, because i can see in front of your computer you've just gone mad.

Gun or alingshot or bow and arrow are fun to shoot targets. There are olimpic sports build on that.

Since you asked very personally that am I a trouble for society, let me tell you that
I've never killed a man with a gun, on arrow, or slingshot. But I killed animals with those. It is called hunting.

So you try to be clever with your accusations that are on a 5th graders level.
If you would just shut your ignorance and you could think for a moment than you would have an understanding. What is your goal here? As I see from your words, you just want to release your anger.
Which brings the question, are you a person who would attack someone just because you cannot handle yourself?
Eric 3 year s ago
In a country the law is created by the society (except from few countries who have dictatorship like South Korea, China or Hungary). The society decides what is acceptable and what is not. In France guns are prohibited still some minorities carrie gtanates and AK47s openly and they use these to attack cars and cargos and the government is a big p@#sy and protects these bastards saying they are refugees... This is absolutely out or the line. It is totally wrong.
In Serbia if you are a foreigner you better move in groups because they will beat you up. They don't have guns, they will use rocks and pipes and knives make you dead whitin seconds.
In the Easter European region gypsies teaching 5 year olds how to kill with one stab in the stomach. And there are cases when two first grader kill each other because of no human reason!
The issue is no with the guns. People can kill you with a rock. And you cannot keep all the rock in the word away from people.

I guess I made it clear that the issue is not the the objects here, but the usage that is totally up to the person and their decisions.
Stage 3 year s ago

Cornelia 3 year s ago
Quote: Stage

the problem with this info is how it's presented
it only gives the number of people murdered using a firearms which is United States (37038) in 2019
what is it compared to the number of firearms in the US
lets say there are 330000000 guns in the US and in 2019 37038 resulted in someones death.
that means of the 330 million guns in the us only ~ 0.012% of the total guns in the us were used and the other 99.998% weren't used to kill anyone
give me something that is available to the general public that has a safety record of 99.998%
how many of those deaths were accidental? how many were suicides?
just giving a number about how many ppl were killed with a firearm is very missleading
King 3 year s ago
most useless axe in the world ? wassat
Louis 3 year s ago
#11 man that fox looks messed up...probably 10 seconds from needing rabies shots, lady smh you see them wild and tattered and unafraid like that, get out of there
Alastair 3 year s ago

Impressive prognosis. As a field biologist who observes mammals everyday for the last 25 years or so I am humbled by your knowledge and interpretation of fox behavior and their pathogens from a single photo.
Some superpower you have bud.
Are your papers published? Can I find them in our journals?
Louis 3 year s ago

Are...are you for real? XD You felt the need to try and slap me down about what, exactly? A heart felt notion for people to be careful around wild animals 'just in case' because rabies is no joke? That we should stay back from wild animals anyway? As a so called 'expert' with self proclaimed credentials that can't be proven, such a thing should be # 1 in your journals, right? But you come swinging out of your little internet corner over what? Fox behavior? Pathogens? LOL Who are you impressing? Man, I have seem some laughable 'moral high horse' snobs in my time, but this is just PATHETIC!
Skeleton 3 year s ago

pppsssstttt. its kinda silly, coming back to see if anyone had responded to your original comment. takes away from your intent to pass on some wisdom.

it ain't all about you. ;)
Webster 3 year s ago

You want pathetic look at yourself
Nap 3 year s ago
#8 You couldn't pay me to eat that... vomit
Douglas 3 year s ago
#8 "free" meaning "other people were forced to pay for it at gunpoint through exorbitant taxes"
Louvinia 3 year s ago

#8 My thought exactly. "Free" to the idiot that posted this. Not truly free though.
Eric 3 year s ago
Ppl in 2021: social isolation is devastating. I whish I had someone to talk to.
Also ppl in 2021 on the Internet: downvote anything because of pure ignorance.
Micky 3 year s ago
#8 You obviously have no clue as to where "free" stuff comes from.
Jimmy 3 year s ago
If that is really your intention to help people then present facts. My reason for calling BS is that you cannot possibly diagnose an organism’s pathology from a photograph. No one can.
You are spreading fear owing to the cloak of ignorance. People my message here is simple we should not create fear of wildlife based on a lack of understanding. Respect them… do not fear them. There are a lot of us who are experts in this field. Like so many scientists these days our messaging gets lost in the static. It has been my experience when people fear something they cannot understand they tend to resort to violence as a solution. So stop listen learn and respect.
It is okay if you choose not to respect me, but don’t deny the facts. I do have the education, knowledge, and a lot of experience. I have taken the time, a lifetime, to learn my trade. I am an expert because I have learned from experts. My peers sanctify my expertise as I do theirs. I have done the work my friend and that makes me a professional. If you haven’t, you are not allowed to call yourself and expert. And I have done so not for myself but I have done so for them, everything I do is for wildlife.
So if you really want to help people with the understanding of wildlife why don’t you become a biologist? Do it for them.
Louis 3 year s ago

And just where was all this self righteousness in your first post, hmm? If this is indeed what you meant to get across, this whole paragraph, why the short, snarky sarcasm? What lesson did you want to teach me then, except a sneer? Which just makes me respond in kind? Now, never mind that one person 'skeleton' scoring a cheap point about how we lessen our argument for checking replies to our comments 'hours' later. This is the internet. We ALL check back and you and I can laugh at the fact we can be sure 'skeleton' came back and did the same. Why? To see if they succeeded in painting someone into a corner online. That's what it's all about. But I don't care how I appear to anyone, so here I am, because I feel I have something to say in continuation. So are you. In fact, you should have posted this message as Alastair up above and not given him/her the satisfaction. But anyway, I'm not buying it, Alastair. I think you want to save face and you know what? That's fine. Because this silly little dance of keeping up appearances online is all important to us all, yeah? Just consider this...if you want to follow up a sneer with a moral message like this wrapped up in a bow, it comes to nothing and looks insincere. So I didn't paint you into a corner, you did that yourself. If you truly want to pass on how YOU have something to say, something helpful to add, think about how you present it, without just making one more enemy online. You actually did better the second time. I actually DO see a finer point in there to not just blow a fox away with a rifle for showing up on a sidewalk, but lacking any 'expertise' I think I did OK. That's the irony, Alastair. I would have listened if you didn't act like a smart @$$.
Pheriba 2 year s ago
#37 'Murica .... what a screwed up country.... where guns and racism reign supreme
Louvinia 2 year s ago

Love it or leave it...
Hester 2 year s ago

GTFO then.
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