Lester 3 year s ago
Wait wait wait. So many questions from a poor alien who lives in houses made from stones.

First: What is a home inspection? Is that something regularly where the government checks your house? Could be a dangerous job knowing you guys shoot trespassers? Just asking.

What is #2? Too hot? Too cold? Is there a legal limit for water temperature?
#17: Too much light?
#14, #19, #24: Ugly woodwork but what is the problem?
#25: What is that?
#39: That machine was never used, was it?

Really confused.
Margaret 3 year s ago
A home inspection is something a buyer requests before buying a house. It's to avoid any surprises. It's a commercial service that the buyer or seller pays for.

I assume you meant #3 above. Anything above 120F can burn you. 183F would send you to the hospital pretty quickly. A kid running a bath could get seriously hurt.

The ugly woodwork is mostly about not being done well and maybe being unstable. Some of these were on water. I've seen worse on the island I grew up on. Building on water is hard.
Tim 3 year s ago

here a quick conversion from freedom to proper units 183°F would be 83°C.
Shirley 3 year s ago
Lester, yes thinking your average American would shoot an inspector, or that everyone here even owns a gun, does sound very confusing, indeed. However, I’m sure that in reality you do have an idea of what the word “inspector” means and your passive-aggressive comment was really made just to take a jab at the US. Super clever, you should give yourself a pat on the back for that one.

The nasty comments on this site about the US from people of other nations has made me realize how clueless you all are. Previously, I believed Americans were the clueless ones when it comes to other cultures, but now I see that everyone else is just as ignorant about it. The difference is that we are taught not to disrespect other cultures (at least those raised in progressive areas are), while you guys seem to accept and encourage prejudices against other people. I mean, in my 43 years I’ve never even shot a gun, and I don’t even know anyone who owns a gun. Yet, you cling to this idea that we all love guns and killing people. In fact, only about 35% of people own a gun here. It’s sad that the laws regarding gun competency s#ck, but that’s a different subject. But you keep on hating; I guess it makes you all feel better about yourselves in some primitive way.
Cathleen 3 year s ago
And yet there was 297 children under 11 dead in the US last year - cause? Gun related crimes.
Mel 3 year s ago
Relax, murican. Have a burger and look at a picture of an eagle with a murican flag draped over it. It will relax you.
Tempy 3 year s ago
Most of these can be easily resolved with duct tape or WD-40.
Clarence 3 year s ago
Tempy, and pray
Home Inspections Gone Wrong…