Bias, I thought so at first, too, but look closer. The weights fell off the far end of the bar just as she was grabbing it. The bar flew up on it's own from the weight of the nearer plates.
Bias, I thought so at first, too, but look closer. The weights fell off the far end of the bar just as she was grabbing it. The bar flew up on it's own from the weight of the nearer plates.
KA..... ME..... HA..... ME.....
You know it!
Breathe that dust in deep.
-Dustin Deep
Looks like she knows that well.
None of them understand grinding out a rep. He would have made that..
So does #32
or do you just film yourself unlocking doors regularly for some weird reason?
#22 love that happiness
#26 LOL he cracked the system
#30 beautiful, well behaved animal