"The lighter was invented before the match."
"Crows have extremely good memory, they can even get their relatives to recognize people that they've already recognised"
"Pineapple contains bromelain.
Bromelain is an enzyme that fulfills a proteolytic function, it degrades proteins producing amino acids that make it up.
So that stinging you feel when you eat pineapple is because the pineapple is also eating you."
"If you're within vicinity of a fallen powerline, bunny hop or slide your feet side-to-side to get away from the pole. This is to counteract "step potential" as lifting your feet off the ground will cause a difference in voltage causing an electrocution."
"Woman already have their lifetime supply of eggs in their bodies when they're unborn, inside their pregnant mothers as a fetus, so the egg that would become you as ultimately also existed inside your grandmother via your mother. "
"Time scale stuff breaks my brain
Cleopatra lived closer in time to the building of the first Pizza Hut than to the building of the pyramids for example (to use a well known example)
It was only 66 years between the first successful flight test by the Wright brothers and landing man on the moon... Human ingenuity knows no bounds when money isn't an issue and barriers are removed."
"That the placebo effect is real. It has to be accounted for in human trials of medical treatments.
This means that our minds have the capacity to affect real healthcare outcomes and this happens consistently. "
Use your imagination, but I ask you this- why do you think Santa's always so jolly?
I just used google.
I had the same thought. When both digits add up to only one digit this statement is true. But for example:
55 × 11 = 605
Last digit is 5 that's always the same rule.
But 5 + 5 is 10. You use only the last digit of it and add the first digit to the digit in front. That's 5 + 1 = 6
So you'll get 605.
From Wikipedia - "The citron is a large fragrant citrus fruit with a thick rind. It is one of the original citrus fruits from which all other citrus types developed through natural hybrid speciation or artificial hybridization."
Nice work, iz.
You don't get asked to parties much, do you.