Midge, Maybe it's flawless and clean because it's relatively new and they... clean it? And they probably made sure to clean it after they knew a picture was gonna be taken? Just a perfectly logical reason to consider. And just because one pic of a clean pool in a forest is impossible according to you, doesn't mean that somehow the others are too. I really don't see anything that indicates they are fake pics. But more importantly, WHY would anyone make fake pics of houses?
Midge, Maybe it's flawless and clean because it's relatively new and they... clean it? And they probably made sure to clean it after they knew a picture was gonna be taken? Just a perfectly logical reason to consider. And just because one pic of a clean pool in a forest is impossible according to you, doesn't mean that somehow the others are too. I really don't see anything that indicates they are fake pics. But more importantly, WHY would anyone make fake pics of houses?
Maybe it's flawless and clean because it's relatively new and they... clean it? And they probably made sure to clean it after they knew a picture was gonna be taken? Just a perfectly logical reason to consider.
And just because one pic of a clean pool in a forest is impossible according to you, doesn't mean that somehow the others are too. I really don't see anything that indicates they are fake pics.
But more importantly, WHY would anyone make fake pics of houses?