VIOLATION 1A74B!!! ::(code red//):: Citizen 10328472 you have been fined 121 social credits and are instructed to immediately report to the nearest PRB of suffer further censure! The Progressive Re-education booth is your friend. OBEY THE MOUSE, SHARON!!! Carry on.
Most of these are NOT "digital art". They are simply photos of real people who look somewhat like the cartoon character. Yes, some have been photo-shopped.
VIOLATION 1A74B!!! ::(code red//):: Citizen 10328472 you have been fined 121 social credits and are instructed to immediately report to the nearest PRB of suffer further censure! The Progressive Re-education booth is your friend. OBEY THE MOUSE, SHARON!!! Carry on.
Most of these are NOT "digital art". They are simply photos of real people who look somewhat like the cartoon character. Yes, some have been photo-shopped.
Always had a crush on Tinkerbell. Now even more so!!!
I thought that was a photo of Taylor Swift.
VIOLATION 1A74B!!! ::(code red//):: Citizen 10328472 you have been fined 121 social credits and are instructed to immediately report to the nearest PRB of suffer further censure! The Progressive Re-education booth is your friend. OBEY THE MOUSE, SHARON!!! Carry on.
Then she would be Snow Brown