"After Cars (2006) lost out on the Oscar for Best Animated Movie to Happy Feet (2006), which utilized motion capture, Pixar placed a "Quality Assurance Guarantee" at the end of their next movie Ratatouille (2007) to remind the Academy they animate every single frame of their movies manually"
Same here. Mine never lasted long!
i would have just gone to walmart and picked up a tee shirt in the woman's department that had some cats on it. it would have been more noticeable and funnier that he was wearing women's clothing
Don't get out of Mom's basement much, do ya?
Even with sunlight exposure, some people have medical conditions that require them to take d supplements, and 50,000+ is not unusual. Especially if they have absorption problems.
Correct, most people who take vitamin D does not know you have to take it with vitamin K2 and some fat. (Either small amount of steak fat or an egg)
There is a number 14 and a number 24 in the calender.
So the fourth is missing not the number 4.
If you want to get technical, those are the numbers *14* and *24* not the number *4* by representation as an independent unit. Therefore, it is the character *4* that is present on the calendar, not the number. Technically.