#20 - they are really going to cry when they see how much it's gone up since the Democrats passed their massive spending plans. Grab your ankles folks.
Moses is correct. The global economy is impacted when flooding the market with trillions of US dollars (the reserve currency). They really need to resume teaching basic economics in high school again.
CookieDevourer, the dumb@$$ not looking where they are going will be to blame. Unlike in the USA where everything seems to someone else's fault and lawyers are lined up to make the "victim" and themselves rich on it, the rest of the world is not completely dysfunctional.
#36 Not a pine cone, but the female cone of an Araucaria araucana, also known as a Monkey Puzzle tree or Chilean Pine. They weigh up to 15 pounds before they dry. The tree is only very distantly related to pines.
Beatrice, probably used for ID purposes locally, like identifying at the post office to pick up a parcel or things like that. No border control in any country would (or should) accept a photo copy of a passport, although #16 can make you wonder.
"In 1955 author John Steinbeck wrote a letter to Marilyn Monroe asking for an autographed photo for his nephew, “He is already your slave. This would make him mine.”"
#20 - they are really going to cry when they see how much it's gone up since the Democrats passed their massive spending plans. Grab your ankles folks.
Moses is correct. The global economy is impacted when flooding the market with trillions of US dollars (the reserve currency). They really need to resume teaching basic economics in high school again.
CookieDevourer, the dumb@$$ not looking where they are going will be to blame. Unlike in the USA where everything seems to someone else's fault and lawyers are lined up to make the "victim" and themselves rich on it, the rest of the world is not completely dysfunctional.
#36 Not a pine cone, but the female cone of an Araucaria araucana, also known as a Monkey Puzzle tree or Chilean Pine. They weigh up to 15 pounds before they dry. The tree is only very distantly related to pines.
Beatrice, probably used for ID purposes locally, like identifying at the post office to pick up a parcel or things like that. No border control in any country would (or should) accept a photo copy of a passport, although #16 can make you wonder.
Cost of living has gone up massively in price in the UK,bidens not in charge here so maybe there's another factor at play?.....
Also in most of Europe... Is something happening?
Nope, definitely not. Nothing but Obama's fault. /sarcasm
You and Randy drink the same fascist right wing koolaid.
You worship Donald Trump. That say's more about you guys, than anything else could.
Sorry that facts hurt your Feelings, and you have to resort to name calling like a middle schooler
Putin’s fault
#14 - milk in bags have been used for many years in our country
# 52 - never seen a red apple inside.
some apple species are naturally colored inside, others are artificially created by altering light and/or temperature they grow in
would be a shame if someone tripped on the cable and broke some bones
I wonder who would have to pay out. The car owner or the council?