I used to think I understood the definition of passive aggression, but perhaps I was wrong. To me, the greatest easily visible example of true passive aggression was Gary Cole's character in Office Space. "Aaaahhhhh, yeahhhh....."
I took that character as being broadly incompetent at people-management rather than passive aggressive as the latter sounds like something too complex for said character.
I used to think I understood the definition of passive aggression, but perhaps I was wrong. To me, the greatest easily visible example of true passive aggression was Gary Cole's character in Office Space. "Aaaahhhhh, yeahhhh....."
I took that character as being broadly incompetent at people-management rather than passive aggressive as the latter sounds like something too complex for said character.
I took that character as being broadly incompetent at people-management rather than passive aggressive as the latter sounds like something too complex for said character.