Abe 2 year s ago
Lotta 2 year s ago

You sound really white, with a nice crusty privilege boiled right in.
Eudoris 2 year s ago
You sound very bigoted.
Nessa 2 year s ago
Abe, Either you weren't paying attention in School or you weren't taught about the "Dust Bowl Migration" during the Great Depression. Look it up and educate yourself. May you never be in that kind of poverty and misery in your own life.
Lavonne 2 year s ago
#2 "The Communism That Brought Only Suffering And Poverty" Excuse me, that's called 'equity' nowadays.
Lotta 2 year s ago

Have you lived under a communist regime? If not, your statement is speculative hyperbole, and not worth the time you took to write it.
Vest 2 year s ago

I did live under a communist regime, it was miserable.

First thing the bolsheviks did when they annexed my ancestral land was to try and deport the whole family to Siberian wilderness because the familyhead, an educated man respected by the pre-soviet authorities, was branded a "threat" to the regime by the party functionaries, some bribery later (another staple of soviet regime) and only familyhead had to go while rest of the family managed to stay behind.

Then came the famine, and not the only one, that was either orchestrated by the malevolence or incompetence of the state, not sure which one is worse in a part of the world where food almost grows itself.

Even the comparable "good" years was a constant fight against arbitrary rules and restrictions placed by the state. Where the idea of choice of where to live, what to buy, what to think just did not exist.

All the media was a thinly veiled propaganda of the regime. Did not like the regime? Then you were mentally ill and will be forcefully treated for your "illness" by the nearest mental institution where any and all response was just another sign of your "illness".

Nearly everything was in short supply nearly all the time and almost everyone ironically even party insiders were incredibly poor by objective standards and those who were not poor, somehow, could not even spend their money because everything was in short supply or restricted.

You did not live under communism you existed. Imagine if you were born into a giant prison where everyone, even the guards and wardens, are still prisoners. You do not Think that it is a prison until you get out and realise that elsewhere people can just take their stuff and MOVE to another city or even a country IF they wanted to... they have a Choice of what brand to buy and they earn enough from ordinary job to afford a car or a home and they can just buy stuff if they have enough money without having to wait or "know a guy".
Being able to speak your mind, having a Choice in whom will govern you and being Reasonably sure that something you work for your entire life will not be arbitrarily taken away from you by the state.

In short living under a communist regime is wiping yourself with newspaper called "The Truth" and not even realising all that is wrong with that.
Mercedes 2 year s ago
Lotta, If he/she lived under a communist regime he/she would not have the right to write it.
Lavonne 2 year s ago

I've never been burned in a house fire but I'm pretty sure it's very painful. Survivors tell us their stories and that's how we know. Your statement merely shows your ignorance or brain-washing.
Orphelia 2 year s ago
#2 Where are the porta-potties?
Eudoris 2 year s ago

In that time and place porta-potties were called "trees and bushes".
Clum 2 year s ago
We'd laugh our @$$es off if you one day find out your great grandmother was a
migrant during the Depression. You insufferable fool!
Herb 2 year s ago
#15 Pity his wife didn't wait for him even though the photo seems to show otherwise.
Wallace 2 year s ago
Abe - there were no hippies in 1937. You're a real wiz at history, dumb@$$.

"Stoney First Nation Member, Guide Samson Beaver With His Wife Leah And Their Daughter Frances Louise, 1907. Photo Taken By Mary Schäffer"

These Photos Are History!
