"What Is This Red Leather Devil Figure, Found In A Wooden Box In An Attic?"
Answer: "Turns out one of the weirder ways skates and rays have been used by people is as curiosities. These cartilaginous fish, related to sharks, were flipped over and “shaped” into gruesome likenesses of imagined sea devils or maybe evil-looking mermaids. After being dried out and shellacked they were sold in port cities and seaside towns as far back as the 16th century. The origins of the name are obscure, but some articles reference jeune fille d’Anvers which translates as girl from Antwerp.Intentionally fishing and drying out sea creatures as tourist trinkets, whether sea stars, sea horses or Jenny Hanivers, has fortunately fallen out of fashion. But beach combing is still a great way to come upon all sorts of interesting bits and pieces brought in on the tide and tossed ashore by a wave to dry in the sun."
You are not seeing the original. And there are computer screens involved. So the colors might be a little different.
Sorry. Meant to reply to Mellie.
Actually you made more sense than what the loony said, that the stenographer typed about.
more like "I better shut my mouth before MTG slaps the Obama out of me." LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER
well thats a perfect example is you have a colorblindness. usually prevalent in men.
Yeah the photo has been color enhanced. In real life the fuchia and red are less simmilar. We used to have this in one of my classrooms as a kid and it had a different color scale.
Look out, Darwin may me looking for you